Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Not Really Blogging

Why I'm not (really) blogging

My List, in honor of Mel:
  • Finish updating assignments on Blackboard for all three survey classes (D'oh!)
  • clean up office
  • read ahead for classes for at least this week
  • finish the damned book review book
  • write the damned review
  • send the damned review to editor
  • update the bit about having finished the review to my CV
  • begin writing cover letters for job hunt
  • paint more of fence
  • walk the dog at least on Wednesday woohoo! RAN with the dog!!, Fridayand Again! (by 'ran', I mean that I moved in a running manner for most of the 1 1/2 mile x-country track -- baby steps, I know), Saturday and Sunday
  • go to the gym
  • grade the first week's discussion boards
  • finish assigning presentations to 200-level students
  • drink more water


Anonymous said...

I like the last one. :)

(I wish I could get into this list meme -- but it always depresses me writing lists I don't complete, or writing lists of really mundane things, like "Remember to take vitamin." There's not much interesting about my "to-dos" these days, largely because most of them are voluntary or utterly banal.)


Anonymous said...

i predict that if you drink more water, you'll definitely complete everything else on the list.

mean regression

Another Damned Medievalist said...

You know, I used to feel that way, but now I find it incredibly comforting to know that my online colleagues (as well as my RL ones) are often in the same boat. I'm starting to think of this community (mostly ex-Invisible Adjunct junkies) as a resource and support group for all parts of academic life. I think that one of the really hard parts about both grad school and establishing oneself in an academic (or any, really) position is taking care of oneself and finding balance. Seeing other people's lists is a good reminder that this is typical, rather than rare.

New Kid on the Hallway said...

ADM, I completely agree - one of the great things about discovering all these academic (or semi- i.e., not just about academia) was that it let me see that other people have to-do lists like my crazy to-do lists (and lives like my crazy life). Made me feel like less of a fraud! (unless, of course, we're all frauds.....but y'all certainly aren't!).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can appreciate that. But the thing is, these lists remind me rather painfully that my life now is very little like what it was as an academic. Some days this is a good thing, but others it is decidedly not.

Lessee... my list for this _week_ would be something like Pay bills; go to the doctor; see if I can renegotiate my contract with AT&T; mail package to my nephew; remember to tape reality tv; attempt to read Moby Dick; knit; spin; buy food... it's all so boring (to me at least), laid out in a list like that. I'd rather whine about it in a lengthy blog post. *wink*
