Monday, April 18, 2005

Didn't Get It

Didn't Get It

Perfect Job turned me down. But they were really nice about it. Still waiting to hear on Almost-perfect job.

Update: I copied this from my comments below, because you guys are so nice!
I have options. Kind of. I've still got two TT jobs to apply for, and there is an opening for a Dean position where I am now -- the app deadline is next week, and they've only recieved one application so far. I have a huge amount of faculty support, in the sense that people keep asking me to apply. The question is, do I want to apply for it? Or do I want to hope that I can pick up enough adjunct work to get me through the year. I'm paid through the summer (chose the big lump o' money at the beginning of summer pay option) and am slated for two online courses this summer. If they make, that's some money I can put towards padding the academic year if I can't get a full load. And I can most likely pick up 4 courses (argh)in the fall. Winter also looks like a possible full load (between two schools). The big thing is health insurance. If I can manage to get two courses at one state school, I keep my health insurance. If I don't, I COBRA it. decisions, decisions ...
Anybody have any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry.

bitchphd said...

Well, shit. I'm glad they were nice about it, but, shit.

Here's hoping for almost-perfect.

Anonymous said...

Damn. That is so not fair. (We all know you were the best person for the job! They're fools!)

Well, keeping fingers crossed for you for Almost-perfect job.

Anonymous said...

Well, that sucks - I'm really sorry. Am crossing fingers for almost-perfect.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Thanks, everybody. And AiE is right -- I have options. Kind of. I've still got two TT jobs to apply for, and there is an opening for a Dean position where I am now -- the app deadline is next week, and they've only recieved one application so far. I have a huge amount of faculty support, in the sense that people keep asking me to apply. The question is, do I want to apply for it? Or do I want to hope that I can pick up enough adjunct work to get me through the year. I'm paid through the summer (chose the big lump o' money at the beginning of summer pay option) and am slated for two online courses this summer. If they make, that's some money I can put towards padding the academic year if I can't get a full load. And I can most likely pick up 4 courses (argh)in the fall. Winter also looks like a possible full load (between two schools). The big thing is health insurance. If I can manage to get two courses at one state school, I keep my health insurance. If I don't, I COBRA it. decisions, decisions ...
Anybody have any suggestions?

meg said...

Dang, dang, dang. (40% Dixie in tha house!)

I don't think you'll be reduced to deanery or COBRA -- almost-perfect will swoop in for you.

I'm glad Perfect SLAC was nice about it. The worst rejection letter I ever got -- and I got a metric buttload -- included the line, "We received many wonderful applications, but unfortunately yours was not among them."

Ianqui said...

Ugh. Sorry to hear it. I hope you get better news from Almost Perfect.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed.


Rebecca said...

A Pox Upon the Perfect Job, ADM. I am so sorry to hear it, and am hoping very hard for your Almost-Perfect-Job. I think you should apply for the Dean job. As my advisor once said, you can't turn down a fellowship you haven't applied for! Same goes for a job. :)

What Now? said...

ADM, I'm so sorry; damn, that sucks. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Almost-Perfect for you. I'd also join Rebecca in recommending applying for the Dean position; that could take your academic career in interesting directions that are not incompatible with further teaching and with research, if you're so interested.

Hang in there!

bitchphd said...

I am confused. Why *wouldn't* you apply for it? First off, if you decide you don't want it, you don't have to take it. Second, you're being encouraged to apply, which probably means you'd get it. Third, why would you not want it? This is a permanent admin job? With benefits and job security? Would there be any reason you couldn't teach in the future, assuming you wanted to do so?

Apply for the thing.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i like your blog. It's a good one. Some good thoughts going :) Have a good one.

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