Monday, May 02, 2005


Self-Imposed Blogxile

Ok -- recovering from 'flu (horrible cough and congestion, plus exhaustion), pile of marking, dealing with readying a house to sell/seing if ADH can afford to keep it, wondering where I'm going to live, and how to get a short-term lease till I find out where I'm working next year, applying for jobs, division meeting today, catching up on class prep, catching up on two other committees, learning to do some technical stuff for the listserv, and dodging massive guilt bombs in between. Not to mention dealing with lawyers and courthouses, etc. So if you see me IRL or otherwise, don't mind if I don't feel like talking. Just a bit massively overwhelmed and, while blogging is fun, it's also adding to the procrastination levels, which really eventually causes more stress. So I am going into hiding. No worries, just trying to prioritize and make sure the students don't suffer. I'm sure I'll not stop commenting at other places, though I shall try not to! ;-)


~profgrrrrl~ said...

That's a lot of stuff. Don't forget to be good to yourself!

Anonymous said...

suddenly juggling two kids seemed like a breeze.
take care.

Cheeky Prof said...

Oooh, that doesn't sound like fun. Feel better and good luck getting through the hectic week.