Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Still here, thanks!

Still here, thanks!

Readjusting is always fun. Really, I need a work place. I could go to the office, but the a/c is still not fixed, and for some reason, when I went in to check the other day, someone had bagged up lots of my possessions -- I hope to protect them rather than to culture mildew. The big news here is that I'm all of a sudden giving a paper at a conference I had not planned on attending. This means coming up with a title today! And I finished the pedagogical article. Except that somehow, I didn't save it. Seriously. I've never managed to lose an entire day's work before and not have at least one backup and a hard copy. So I've spent yesterday and will spend much of today re-creating what I lost. Hence the absence of blogging much.

Updated list to come soon ...


Belle said...

Work space: see if your campus library has a space that is both private and workable. As to the open door policy: reserve time to self/research, and post that. Then close the door. Anybody gives you grief, tell 'em you're doing research!

These are my own resolutions for same problem. I'm hoping they'll work.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Welcome! I am going to try that, but SLAC has a very clear policy that faculty should be available, anytime, anywhere. Seriously, I have been out in Dabbaville with colleagues, and run into students, and there is an expectation that, if the student has an issue, we will take a little time to at least set up an appointment. This year I think that I will try to encourage students to at least respect my "no students in the 30 minutes before class" rule. Mostly, I don't care. Student visits are usually drive-bys, people who want to ask two questions and get out. But there are some campers this year, and they need to make appointments.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Oh, and our library has no such space. Too bad -- it's one place I'm almost sure not to run into students ;-)