Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carnivalesque LXVII

Carnivalesque LXVII

Hey, everybody! Just in time for Carnival, Carnivalesque LXVII (or as my mind is calling it this morning, "El Ex Vee Eye Eye -- need more caffeine) is up at Notorious, PhD: Adventures of a Girl Scholar. It's got some really good stuff, and as Notorious herself says, it's got some great reminders of how much good stuff is out there that we sometimes miss.

The next Carnival will be in March -- mid-Lent, which seems entirely right for an Early Modern version!

And as always, we're looking for brave souls to host the next Ancient/Medieval editions. Anybody? Muhlberger? Noakes? Drout? Bueller?


a stitch in time said...

Since I need a good excuse to spend even more time reading others' blogs, I'd volunteer. My blog is pretty young, but if Carnivalesque doesn't mind...

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Toll! We will need one for either April or August. I will get hold of you by email so we can discuss it. Thanks!