Monday, May 18, 2009

Computer Bag Update

Computer Bag Update

Ok, here are some options, for those of you who are interested ...

This Tom Bihn messenger bag

This Pinder bag in chocolate with the matching sleeve -- which I like, because it's big enough to carry stuff, and doesn't look too computer-case-y, but OTOH, I don't know how comfortable I'd find the straps, because I usually carry bags on my shoulder...

This Timbuk2 bag, which is a little bigger than I'd like, and I'm iffy on the colours ...

this other Timbuk2 bag, but the colours are a bit much for me -- can't argue with the price, though

I really like this, but am not at all sure I want a backpack -- opinions?

This, in black

This Sumdex one in green or brown

What do you think, oh lazywebs?


Anonymous said...

I just ordered the Pinder in red. I should be grading not hanging out...
I'll let you know how it goes!

medieval woman said...

I love the first one!

Thoroughly Educated said...

Just to be clear - even though they say the Pinder sleeve will fit inside the Pinder bag, I guarantee you wouldn't want to use it that way. It's very lightweight for a bag, but a lot bulkier than anything you'd call a sleeve. If you really want to use a sleeve inside another bag, I'd get a form-fitting, pretty much weightless neoprene sleeve.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Ooh, thanks, TE -- because there are some neoprene sleeves that cost a bit less and I like better!

Another Damned Medievalist said...

MW, I am leaning that way, I think ...

meg said...

I may get myself the chartreuse Marina (no color is too scouring for my eyes!)...

[PS: Don't mind the link to the other blog -- blogspot won't let me sign off with name & url anymore.]

Anonymous said...

I like the Marina myself, or the Pinder. (Can't get the Tom Bihn to come up, but I know people love his bags.) But really my only point is: DON'T go with the backpack! (I'm surrounded by way too many of them. That one is cute, but, no. backpacks.)

Susan said...

I have, I think, the worlds largest collection of computer bags because I am never happy. So I have a nice tote style one, which is great as long as you don't want to carry too much else in it (no matter what they say). I have a backpack: not beautiful, but I use it at times for the reason you use a backpack: it's easier on the shoulders; mine can also carry lots of books. I have the simple black computer bag (it's obvious what it is) that doesn't hold much besides some files and maybe a book. I have a neoprene sleeve I can slide into other bags. And I have a rolling computer tote. (I might add that these have been accumulated over about 12 years or so, not all at once -- I just don't get rid of things)

When I'm traveling, I tend to use the rolling computer tote. If I have to walk long distances, it's a whole lot easier. For shorter distances, I tend to use either the simple bag or the nicer tote.

I'd think a lot about the conditions in which you'll be using the bag, and how you like to carry things. If you're not usually a backpack type, don't get a backpack.

Anonymous said...

I have to go against the grain here - I know backpacks tend to scream 'student,' but if you end up with a backache, what really matters? I tried for ages to not use a backpack, and went through a veritable whirlwind of shoulder & messenger style bags. Every one gave me shoulder pains, headaches, back pain. I now use Wegner Backpack, and it's big and ugly, but holds everything, and doesn't hurt me. even with a stack of books, a 15" MacBook Pro, and a dozen other odds and ends.

If you are going to carry your bag more than a few steps every day (like across a campus) I can't recommend a backpack highly enough. I know they don't look cool and professorly, but neither does being too hunched over with pain to walk straight, or turn your head! Trust me!

Just my 2 cents, anyway...

Sharon said...

I'll join in. I'd never use anything but a backpack for a laptop (unless it's something a lot lighter than a Macbook). It's the only way to have the weight evenly balanced. It actually makes the laptop feel lighter. The one downside is that in warm weather your back can get a bit sweaty. But I can live with that.

Dr. Virago said...

I have a Samsonite computer backpack that I've used since 2004. I with the pro-backpack people here. Especially for traveling with my laptop, the backpack is essential for comfort and ease.

Anonymous said...

The pinder just came! I'll look at it as a reward -- that was a nasty 4 days of very intense grading (ok, I went camping last weekend because mr. t. was going to be out of town for a few weeks and it seemed like our only opportunity).

Anyway, the bag is very nice, lightweight to start with, a little smaller than the bag I was using which may prevent me from overloading my shoulder. It is a bit square and thus does actually look more like a computer bag than I was expecting, but in red (!), it's hardly looking like any of the other computer bags I've seen.

good luck!