Saturday, May 28, 2011

Amusing charter thing

Supradictus Williprahtus malo conatu ipsam supradictam rem auferre studuit sed dep volente atque iustitia dictante coram prefectis nuntiisque imperatoris Werine et Unfride per vim cogatur tradidit quod debuit et isti sunt testes de illa traditione. +Willipraht qui traditionem fecit [...][!]


Anonymous said...

Heh. Now, who's the scribe writing for there? The monastery, so that they can show Willipraht signed up for it? Or Willipraht, so that he can show it was under duress?

Does this house ever bring charters to court? Because as you know I like to point out Freising never do. Or, a Cluny question, do his heirs insist on redonation or oppose the grant?

Another Damned Medievalist said...

You know, I could probably look up at least a couple of those things in my handy index...

Anonymous said...

And if you can, then so can others :-)