Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So it's not just me and Historian on the Edge, then...

Apparently, Mark Lind at Salon.com thinks even less of Ferguson than I do.

Just for starters, Lind asks, "What accounts for the attention lavished by the American media on a huckster as vulgar and shallow as Niall Ferguson?"

Later, he tells us a little of what he really thinks: "...Niall Ferguson has the moral imagination of a teenage boy addicted to gruesome video games."

I think he's wrong about Fritz the Cat, though. Unless Ferguson really said that. But I'm giving Ferguson some credit here, and will assume the cat in question ia Felix.


Steve Muhlberger said...

It's me, too.

Jonathan Dresner said...

Have you read my twitter feed? It would be hard to think less of Ferguson than I do, But Lind makes a good attempt.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

I just didn't want to speak for too many others!