Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Charter Bleg

Charter Bleg

Does anybody know if there is a QAD list of charter terms and their equivalents in different languages online somewhere? I've checked the ORB, and there isn't anything I could find. Mostly, it's trying to figure out if words that look like technical terms in German are in fact technical terms, so, for example, I am assuming that the Eschatokoll is the technical term for the closing formula, maybe ... but does that mean that, in a similar context, the Protokoll is the opening formula?

I did not sign up to be a charter historian!!


zid said...

Ce qu'il y a de mieux, avec toutes les traductions qu'il faut, mais pas en ligne (partiellement sur googlebooks): Maria Milagros Cárcel Ortí (ed.), Vocabulaire international de la diplomatique [Commission internationale de diplomatique. Comité international des sciences historiques], Valencia, Universitat de Valencia, 1a edición, 1994; 2a edición, corregida, 1997.

zid said...

sorry, I forgot to identify myself: zid, from Medievizmes,

Another Damned Medievalist said...
