Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Water Wings, please

Water Wings, please??

Hello, the blogosphere! Hello, my blogfriends! I really have not been ignoring you ... I'm just trying to catch up. So much has been happening over at What Now's, and maggie's, and B*'s, but I'm so far behind on blog reading, blog commenting and oh! work! So, my apologies. Here's my 'to do' list, in case you are all wondering what I'm up to...

  • Vacuum house
  • mop kitchen and bathroom floors
  • put away all odds and ends of clothing from conference and trip to Sleepytown
  • clean bathroom
  • go through huge pile of stuff on desk
  • pay any bills I haven't yet paid
  • put together reimbursement paperwork for conference
  • write up conference report
  • make sure I've got all my frequent flyer points
  • mark three weeks' LJ contributions for upper division class
  • mark two one week's Blackboard discussions for the two survey classes
  • check and see what I'm supposed to be doing this week in classes
  • prep this the rest of this week's classes
  • prepare for Big Committee meeting tomorrow
  • check and see what's going on with search committee
  • Oh yeah ... write a conference paper??????
  • see if I can get out of going to reputedly worthless faculty development workshops to go to this instead. Still wondering how I got on the invite list, but happy I am
  • really figure out my summer travel plans
  • also, post the conference report, for those of you interested in Late Antique sorts of things.
  • and send back the hard drive that crashed and would not allow re-formatting
  • and see about getting the cat's teeth checked. Again.
  • CRAP! TAXES!!!

So ... I'll be around, if not as visible as I'd like.


Steve Muhlberger said...

So what is with the current wild popularity of the Alemanni? There was a whole subconference at the Leeds Congress last year -- and it was good, too.

I'll be interested to hear whether Ralph Mathisen has an amazing and informative PowerPoint presentation. What he did at Leeds shows what can be done by a master.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

I don't know -- I'm less interested in the Alamanni as a group than I am on how the presenters are dealing with the whole transitional period. Also, I really want to meet Hans Hummer. I have got to get to Leeds one of these days, too.

RM is really good with the graphics -- his presentation at Shifting Frontiers on Arian iconography was very good, too. He's the second-best user of PowerPoint I know. EJ at Dublin is the best (although I think he now uses Keynote).

BrightStar (B*) said...

hi! I saw your comment that you were in SleepyTown. What was the occassion? (I take it from this blog post that you might have had a conference nearby?) Will you send me an email? I was not there, though... I am out closer to where you used to live. :)

Good luck getting all of thst stuff done!

Another Damned Medievalist said...

I was visiting a friend who teaches at SleepyTown U. Her sister's my oldest friend, and I had to drive sis from Big City to SleepyTown. I'd have called, but knew you weren't around.

Rebecca said...


Pepper has a tapeworm...

Another Damned Medievalist said...

For reals? or just in an "eat everything" kind of way?

BrightStar (B*) said...

oh, that's right... I do remember that you told me that you have a friend in the area. :) I hope to see you another time you're around!

~profgrrrrl~ said...

Crap! Taxes! indeed, she says, hyperventilating.

Life is overwhelming.

medieval woman said...

Gawd - you're to do list (especially the grading) looks fiendishly like mine!!!

Good luck!

Rebecca said...

Nope, Pepper really, truly, has a tapeworm. He was dropping little tapeworm segments all over the house.


Another Damned Medievalist said...

OK, Rebecca, that's just narsty! I think the last episode of House I saw had a tapeworm, though.

MW -- my sympathies!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you when I got my Kalamazoo book this week. Sometimes I wish I'd grown up to be a medievalist just to hang out with the cool kids. alas.

(I wonder if I'll ever fall off their mailing list -- the last time we corresponded was in 2002...)

otherwise, good luck with the list.

Dr. Virago said...

Weirdly I'm on the same mailing list, as I got the flyer for that conference, too. Have no idea how that happened since I'm late medieval English lit person.