Monday, February 27, 2006

A little update

A little update

Well, I've officially accepted the position. I'm really happy. I've received welcome letters from future colleagues ... wow! And I'm feeling really chuffed because I got a call on Saturday with an invitation for a campus interview and an e-mail a few minutes ago asking if I were interested in a phone interview. I know I've made the right decision, too, because when I turned down the interviews, there was no "but what if ..." feeling.

But now that I don't have to look for a job, I really need to get working. So if I keep a relatively low profile for the next little while, it's because I'm trying to write. I've set myself a draft date for the end of March -- that'll be interesting -- so I have April to revise. Yipes!

In Other News

Really looking for someone to hold the next Ancient/Medieval Carnivalesque -- in March! Please, please, please, does someone want to do it? Remember, Carnivalesque is often interdisciplinary, so feel free to step in!


Rebecca said...

Whoohoo! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

phd me said...

That's really great, ADM. Congrats!

Margaret said...

Congrats on accepting the job ABD. You rock!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad for you!
Have you mentioned anything at your current school?

Another Damned Medievalist said...

I've let them know. They aren't ecstatic, and the division secretary is very cranky, but no one blames me. Basically, they know it's down to their own slow processes and a very slow HR department (it took them 3 weeks to get a not very sizeable pool of apps together). Mostly, everyone has been very nice and seem to feel like I do -- really happy for me, and irritated at the situation. The more I think about it, though, the more I'm sure that I'd have taken this job over my present one anyway. Not that I wouldn't have been happy here, but I really would have become too complacent. Now I know I'll have to scramble to stay on my game.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Oh -- and sorry I'm such a spaz -- thank you all so much.

BrightStar (B*) said...

what a relief for you! You accepted the job and you have a great future ahead of you there! yay!

Anonymous said...


Tim Burke

Scrivener said...


Bardiac said...


Welcome letters already. That SO rocks!

Another Damned Medievalist said...

It makes me extra super happy! Thanks everybody!

Unknown said...

Belated congratulations! I haven't been reading anything blog-wise for the past month or so. It's excellent news to find.

Professor Zero said...

Good for you!