Watching the RNC -- and I am wearing my American hat
Because I don't really ever take that off. Sorry that some Republicans apparently have to switch hats.
You know? I am not feeling uplifted.
And WTF? Fred Thompson last night and Romney and Huckabee tonight.
you know? I don't care about:
- Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter, although I truly feel sorry that it appears that she and young Levi are heading towards the altar. That's probably compounding the mistake.
But, I do care about some things:
- I care that she advocates things I don't believe in, like the death penalty, the overturning of
Roe, home schooling, drilling in ANWR, and few (if any) restrictions on guns
- I care that she doesn't seem to really have a grasp of the job of Vice President
- I care that she is under investigation for abusing her position as Governor
- I care that she hasn't denounced her pastor of now, when Obama was excoriated for not denouncing something his pastor said some time ago
- I care that she really doesn't have any experience on a national or international scale
- I care that she will travel with codes to nuclear weapons
- I care that Palin and her supporters -- and the Religious Right in general -- have convinced people that they own morality, and especially things like abstinence and the value of human life. On abstinence, I don't know any parents who hand their kids birth control pills and condoms and say, 'oh, great! go have sex, because you're safe now!" Not so much. Most of the parents I know pretty much try to get their kids to abstain for a long while, because it is part of what they consider being sexually responsible. On the sanctity of human life, well, when life starts is a question of religious teaching to a certain extent. Most of the people I know who are pro-choice agree that some limits are sensible, and I've never met anyone who thought abortions were something women went out and got for fun. On the other hand, the death penalty kills people who are clearly people and alive. I don't know how you can preach the sanctity of human life when you aren't consistent about the death penalty, and when you aren't consistent about killing innocent non-Americans.
- I care that the speakers at the RNC are carefully blaming the Democrats for many of the problems this country faces at the moment, Romney even implying that things like the mortgage crisis have nothing to do with a loosening in regulation over the last 8 years.
-I care that so much of what the GOP speakers are saying is implying that people who feel as I do are not real Americans.
Well, I've read the Constitution, and I support it. I pay my taxes, I have voted in almost every election, from federal to local (I think I've only ever missed three elections for which I've been eligible to vote -- not all that bad for almost 30 years of voting), and I show up for jury duty. I read
all the campaign literature I've been given. And I'm old enough to remember when all of those things counted. The people speaking tonight are old enough, too, but they seem to have forgotten them.