Saturday, January 21, 2006

Carnival of the Feminists 7

Carnival of the Feminists 7

Wow! If you are looking for a virtuous time-suck, go over to Carnival of the Feminists 7 at Feministe. There's plenty to provoke thought there. It's one for me to bookmark, I'm afraid, but for those of you who are ahead of your game, enjoy!

Me? I'm going to turn into Another Domestic Medievalist and clean up my house, which is in need of tidying, vacuuming, etc. Then back to writing, since I hammered out 500 or so words yesterday, I might as well keep it up.


Anonymous said...

Housework: good only for procrastination. When I have a *really* urgent deadline the flat can get surprisingly clean, somehow.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

My little house is very clean. Except for my office. It's rather frightening. Can't do all my procrastinating at once!